Driver Eye Height Sight distance is a safety design factor which is intrinsically linked to rate of change of grade , and hence to K - values Consider once again the hump - backed bridge Drivers a…
ldeally , the total station should meet the following requirements: a) Line of sight ZZ perpen- dicular to tilting axis KK b) Tilting axis KK perpen- dicular to vertical axis VV c) Vertical axis V…
1- Set out the total station in the terrain so that it is within viow of surveyed. it is not necessary to pisition the horizontal circle. 2- Determinethe boundary points of the area sequentially dir…
The program determines the distance and height difference between two points. 1. Set up the total station at any location. 2. Measure the distance to each of the two points A and B. 3. The distanc…
1- Extend the legs of the tripod as far as is required and tighten the screws family. 2- set up the tripod so that the tripod plate is as horizontal as possible and the legs of the tripod are f…
Also known as a conti- nuously Operating Refe- rence Station (CORS), this is typically a dual-frequency GPS receiver located at known coordinates, supplied with permanent power and connected to …
This program calculates the position and height of the instrument station, along with the orientation of the horizontal circle, from measuremnts to at least two points, the coordinates of which …
GPS surveys use the signals transmitted by satellites having trajectories such that any point on the Earth's surface can be determined around the clock and independently of weather condition…
Navigation Gps Use GPS is now used in all aspects of navigation GPS voice navigation systems are standard with many models of car Simply typing the required destination into the unit results in a g…
Galileo is a joint initiative of the European Commission ( EC ) and the European Space Agency ( ESA ) When fully operational the system will have 30 satellites in three planes , placed equally arou…
Machine Guidance Earth moving is required to shape the ground prior to construction taking place In this context machine guidance is concerned with guiding the operator to move the blade or dozer.…
الطرق المساحية في اعمال توقيع المعالم الافقية تتطلب نقاطا معلومة الاحداثي و محددة الموقع في الطبيعة لبدء العمل منها و عادة تحدد نقاط لهذا الغرض سواء في الخرائط المساحية - او الصور الجوية - او الرسو…
topographic survey establishing control network and their subsequent computation leads t an implied rectangle coordi-nate system over the area surveyed , the minor control point in particular ca…
The future for GPS , WAAS and EGNOS and Galileo looks promising The future for GLONASS is harder to assess but could also match expectations In the worst case if only the GPS satellites and all of…
عندما يتقاطع المحوران المستقيمان عند زاوية تقاطع في مستوى راسي فان المنحنى الذي يصل المحورين المستقيمين يسمى منحنى راسي و تستخدم لتلافي تلاقي خطين في المستوى الراسي و لاعطاء معدل تغير منتظم في ال…
1- العمل من الاكبر الى الجزء و ذلك لتقليل تاثير الاخطاء في اعمال المساحة الى الحد المسموح بها في مسح التفاصيل. 2- الاقتصاد في الدقة Economy of accuracy حيث انه كلما كانت الدقة اعلى كلما كانت كل…
لو نظرنا الى الشكل ( 1-3 ) هناك عدة انواع من القياسات بالامكان اجراءها لغرض تحديد الاحداثيات الافقية للنقطة C : ا - قياس الزاويتين الافقيتين الى اليمين CAB , ABC ب - احدى المسافتين الافقيتين A…
in an excavation, point B is to be set out at a height ∆H =1.00 metre below street level (point A). 1- set up the level so that the sighting distances to A and B are about the same. 2- set u…
Datum Transformations Coordinate transformations are quite common in surveing . They range from simple translations between coordinates and setting-out grids on a construction site , to transfo…