Also known as a conti- nuously Operating Refe- rence Station (CORS), this is typically a dual-frequency GPS receiver located at known coordinates, supplied with permanent power and connected to several communication devices.
A CORS normally logs GPS data for use in post- processing tasks, or supplies real- time GPS correction data to DGPS and/or RTK applications. ln many cases, it performs both tasks satisfying the demands of many different applications including surveying, engineering, construction, geodetic control, GIS, monitoring, tectonic studies and hydro- graphy. With additional CORS, larger areas even countries can be covered With a CORS Network infrastructure.
CORS are controlled remotely by a specialised software program, such as Leica GPS Spider, which connects to the CORS via a range of telecommuni- cation media; serial, radio or phone modem, even the Internet. Once configured, a CORS network with GPS1200 and GPS500 receivers will run con- tinuously supplying the full range of GPS data, DGPS, RTK and network RTK services to users in the network.
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