in an excavation, point B is to be set out at a height ∆H =1.00 metre below street level (point A).
1- set up the level so that the sighting distances to A and B are about the same.
2- set up the staff at A and read off the backsight R = 1.305.
3- set up the staff at B and read off the foresight V = 2.520. the difference h from the requested height at B is calculated as : h = V - R - ∆H = 2.520 - 1.305 - 1.00 = + 0.215 m
4- Drive in a post at B and mark the requested height (0.215m above ground level).
in another frequently -used method. the requested staff reading is calculated in advance:
V= R -∆H=1.305 -(- 1.000) = 2.305
the levelling staff is then moved upwards or down-wards until the required value can be read off with the level.
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