1- Extend the legs of the tripod as far as is required and tighten the screws family.
2- set up the tripod so that the tripod plate is as horizontal as possible and the legs of the tripod are firm in the ground.
3- Now, and only now, place the instrument on the tripod and secure it with the central fixing screw.
:levelling-up the instrument
After setting up the instrument, level it up approximately with the bull's- eye bubble.
Turn two of the footscrews together in opposite directions. the index finger of your right hand indicates the direction in which the bubble should move (illustration, bottom right). To check, rotate the instru- ment 180°.Afterwards, the bubble should remain within the
setting circle. if it does not, then readjustment is required (refer to the user manual).
For a level, the compen- sator automatically takes care of the final levelling-up. the compensator.
consists basically of a thread- suspended mirror thet directs the horizontal light beam the crosshair even if there is residual tilt in the tele-scope (illstratin, bottom).
if now you lightly tap a leg of the tripod, then (pro-vided the bull’s-eye bubble is centred) you will see how the line of sight sings about the staff reading and always steadies at the same point. this is the way to teas whether or not the compenstor can swing freely.
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