Driver Eye Height
Consider once again the hump - backed bridge
Drivers approaching from each side of this particular vertical curve cannot see each other until they arrive , simultaneously almost on the crest ; by which time it may be too late to prevent an accident
Had the curve been longer sight distance and consequently more time in which to take avoiding action
Thus , sight distance i , e the length of road ahead that is visible to the driver is a safety factor and it is obvious that the sight distance must be greater than stopping distance in which the vehicle can be brought to rest
Stopping distance is dependent upon :
(1) Speed of the vehicle
(2) Braking efficiency
(3) Gradient
(4) Coefficient of friction between tyre and road
(5) Road conditions
(6) Driver’s reaction time
In order to cater for all the above variables , the height of the driver’ s eye above the road surface is taken as being only 1.05 m a height applicable to sports cars whose braking efficiency is usually very high
Thus other vehicles , such as lorries with a much greater eye height would have a much longer sight distance in which to stop
Sight distances on crests
Short Sight Distance
(1) Stopping sight distance (SSD)
The SSD is the sight distance required by a driver to stop a vehicle when faced with an unexpected obstruction on the carriageway
It comprises two elements :
(a) The perception - reaction distance which is the distance travelled from the time the driver sees the obstruction to the time it is realized that the vehicle must stop and
(b) The baking distance which is the distance travelled before the vehicle halts short of the obstruction
The above are a function of driver age and fatigue road conditions , etc , and thus the design parameters are based on average driver behaviour in wet conditions Table 10.3 provides values for desirable and absolute minimum SSD
Sight Distance
On single carriageways , overtaking in the lane of the opposing traffic occurs
To do so in safety requires an adequate sight distance which will permit the driver to complete the normal overtaking procedure
The FOSD consists of four elements :
(a) The preception /reaction distance travelled by the vehicle whilst the decision to overtake or not is made
(b) The overtaking distance travelled by the vehicle to complete the overtaking manoeuvre
(c) The closing distance travelled by the oncoming vehicle whilst overtaking is occuring
(d) The safety distance required for clearance between the overtaking and oncoming vehicles at the instant the overtaking vehicle has returned to its own lane
It has been shown that 85% of overtaking takes place in 10 seconds and Table 10.3 gives appropriate FOSD values relative to design speed
It should be obvious from the concept of FOSD that it is used in the design of single carriageways only , where safety when overtaking is the prime consideration
For instance , consider the design of a crest curve on a dual carriageways with a design speed of 100 km/h
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