for long lines the effect of curvature (c) and refraction (r)it can be seen that the difference in elevation (∆ H ) between A and B is :
thus it can be seen that the only difference from the basic equation for short lines is the correction for curvature and refraction (c-r)
Although the line of sight is refracted to the target at D the telescope is pointing to H , thereby measuring Although the line of sight is refracted to the target at D , telescope is pointing to H , thereby measuring the angle a from the horizontal .it follows that S sin a = ∆ h = EH and requires a correction for refraction equal to HD .
The correction for refraction is based on a quantity termed the " coefficient of refraction (K) Considering the atmosphere as comprising layers of air which decrease in density at higher elevations . the line of sight from the instrument will be refracted towards the denser layers .
the line of sight therefore approximates to a circular arc of radius Rs roughly equal to 8R , where R is the radius of the Earth , However ,due to the uncertainty of refraction one cannot accept this relationship and the coefficient of refraction is defined as K = R/Rs
An average value of K = 0.15 is frequently quoted but , as stated previously , this is most unreliable and is based on observations taken well above ground level .
Recent investigation has shown that not only can K vary from -2,3 to + 3,5 with values over ice as hogh as + 14,9 but it also has a daily cycle Near the ground , K is affected by the morphology of the ground , by the type of vegetation and by other assorted complex factors .
Although much reseach has been devoted to modelling these effects . in order to arrive at an accurate value for K , the most practical method still appears to be by simultaneous reciprocal observations .
As already shown , curvature (c) can be approximately computed from c = D 2 / 2R . and as D = S we can write ,
c = S2 / 2 R
As the refraction K = R/Rs we have
8/2 = SK/2R
Without loss of accuracy we can assume JH = JD = S and treating the HD as the are of a circle of radius S :
HD = S . 8/2 = S2 K/2R = r
(c - r ) S 2 ( 1 - K ) 2 R
All the above equations express c and r in linear terms , to obtain the angles of curvature and refraction , EJF and HJD , reconsider , imagine JH is the horizontal line JE
and JD the level line JF of radius R . Then 8 is the angle subtended the center of the Earth and the angle of curvature is half this value , To avoid confusion let ∂ = ⦵ and as already shown :
⦵/2 = S/2R = َ َ(c - rَ ) = ٍ ( 1 - K ) / 2 R rads
Note the difference between equations in linear terms and those in angular .
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