trigonometrical levelling is used where difficult terrain , such as mountainous areas precludes the use of conventional differential levelling .
it may also be used where the height difference is large but the horizontal distance is short such as heighting up a cliff a tall building . The vertical angle and the slope distance between the two points concerned are measured .
slope distance is measured using electromagnetic using elecrtomagnetic distance measures (EDM) and the vertical (or zenith) angle using a theodolite .
When these two instruments are integrated into a single instrument it is called a ' total station ' total stations contain algorithms that calculate and display the horizontal distance and vertical height , This latter facility has resulted in trigonometrical levelling being used for a wide variety of heighting procedures . including cintouring .
However , unless the observation distance are relatively short , the height values displayed by the total station are quite useless , if not highly dangerous , unless total station contains algorithms to apply corrections for curvature and refraction .
it can be seen that when measuring the angle
∆ h = S sin ∝
When using the zenith angle Z
∆ h = S cos Z
if the horizontal distance is used
∆ H = hi + ∆ h - h t
= ∆h + hi - ht
where hi = vertical height of the measuring centre of the instrument above A
hi = vertical height of the centre of the target above B
This is the basic concept of trignometrical levelling . the vertical angles are positive for angles of elevation and negative for angles of depression , the zenith angles are always positive , but naturally when greater than 90 ُ
they will produce a negative result .
What constitutes a short line may be derived by considering the effect of curvature and refraction compared with the accuracy expected .
the combined effect of curvature and refraction over 100 m = 0.7 mm over 200 m = 3 mm , over 400 m = 11 mm and over 500 m = 17 mm . IF we apply the standard treatment for small errors to the basic equation we have ,
∆ H = S sin a + hi - ht
and then
∂ (∆ H) = sin a . 𝜕 S + S cos a 𝜕 a + 𝜕 hi - ht
and taking standard errors :
THIS value is similar in size to the effect of curvature and refraction over this distance and indicates that short sights should never be greater than 300 m . it also indicates that the accuracy of distance S is not critical when the vertical angle is small .
However the accuracy of measuring the vertical anhle is very critical and requires the of a theodolite , with more than one measurement on each face .
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